Gray Barkosky Group
Bloomington, MN
Buffalo, MN
Crown Bay Retail
Monticello, MN
Moon Motorsports
Monticello, MN
Midwest Steel Office Mezzanine
Rogers, MN
11 Division
Buffalo, MN
Larson Building Concept Rendering
Linder Financial Resources Concept Rendering
Office Clients Served
Larson Building, Buffalo MN
Addition and Remodel
JMSC, Buffalo MN (New Build/Tenant Improvement)
Gray Barkosky Group, Bloomington MN (Remodel)
Midwest Steel, Rogers - Office Mezzanine (Remodel)
M&N Structures, Winsted MN (Tenant Improvement)
Linder Financial Resources, Hutchinson MN (In Process)
Sauna 360 (Formerly TyloHelo), Cokato MN (Office Addition)
Retail Clients Served
Moon Motorsports, Monticello MN (Addition)
Crown Bay Retail Building, Monticello MN (New Build)
11 Division Tenant Remodel, Buffalo MN (Remodel)
Rimer Tire & Auto, Hinkley MN (In Process)
Cabina Coffee, Pine City MN (Relocation/Remodel)
Coffee House & Apartment Building, Mora MN (Planning)
Countryside Diesel, Buffalo MN (Remodel)
Purple Prairie Botanicals, Clearwater MN (Tenant Improvement)
Construction Services by Phase
a detailed site analysis exploring available space and parking requirements
building programming with expansion and remodeling options
plan diagrams to explore function and flow
building code review to understand limitations
long range master plan studies to explore future growth
Schematic Design:
colored floor plans and site plan for presentation
concept renderings for presentation
Design Development:
computer plan drawings
detailed computer building model
initial engineering
complete building code review
city planning approval process
contractor estimate
Construction Documents:
complete documents
thorough building and material detailing
coordination with structural engineer
coordination with mechanical and electrical
city permit review process
Construction Administration:
site observation/meetings during construction
shop drawing review/coordination with documents
contractor coordination