Now that the roof has been sheathed the window and skylight openings are more distinct both from inside and outside.
An 8" curb is left between the roofs to allow for the layers of insulation that will be added by the roofers on top of the deck.
The fireplace flue will exit the roof between these two skylights.
The temporary columns were replaced by the permanent columns, doubled up cedar 6x6's.
Though not required structurally, two cedar 6x6's give a bit more mass to these columns. You can see the outdoor rooms taking shape under the overhang. Later, a deck will be framed just above the ground plane to complete these.
A trip 45' straight up in the framer's lull gave me some great shots of the roof in one view.
Eight columns help support the four glulam beams that span across the middle of the house. The four to the left bear around the kitchen island, the four to the right bear on the block walls.