Explore Projects



Real needs in your building have sent you searching, but the next steps are often unclear and the exact destination unknown.



Stone Tent Architecture provides a strong design process that brings purpose, order, and confidence to the decision making of your project.

Together we will develop a map that shows you a well defined destination and a clear way to get there.


Mechatronic Solutions, Maple Grove MN


“We strongly believe this was a turning point in our understanding of our church building and the grounds we have.  We look at the future through a new lens and now have a sense of direction of where we are going.” 

Dave Macalena, Executive Director at Buffalo Covenant Church

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Highland Community Church, Cokato MN


Real Solutions

A successful design process is not just about making a beautiful building, but about supporting the specific needs and serving the unique story of the client.

This requires a building solution that seeks to understand and address all the complexities of the project with clarity and frames a clear purpose for those that will be served by your building.

Stone Tent Architecture guides clients in navigating to a successful building project.


Redeemer Covenant Church, Brooklyn Park MN